Must-Have Baby Items from A New Mom!
Newborn, Infant, Postpartum & Breastfeeding Must-Haves
As a first time mom giving birth during COVID-19, I spent a lot of time at home alone with my new little bundle of fussy joy! I watched close to a hundred YouTube videos while I was pregnant in search of the must-have baby items that I just couldn’t live without. Everyone had different opinions and different holy grail items, which makes perfect sense to me now since I’m realizing just how different each baby is. We eventually found out our baby has “silent” acid reflux, which contributed to her frequent fussiness and inconsolability.
Just in case you’re a first-time-mama-to-be, and no one has told you yet… the first few weeks are ROUGH – at least they were for us. Your little one is learning how to be a part of this new world, and you’re adjusting too. There are certain items that came in and out of the “must-have” list in different phases of that first few months. Now that Haley is about to be 3 months old, and we are finally starting to get a hang of things, the essential items that we rely on has changed. I also finally am getting enough sleep that I can reflect back on these days and make a little sense of it all!
*Disclosure: Some of the links below are affiliate links, meaning, at no additional cost to you, I will earn a commission if you click through and make a purchase. Thank you for your support!
The Halo Bassinet was a must-have baby item I heard a lot of about. The price tag was a little off-putting so I put it out of my mind, but I am so glad I was able to get one in the end. After my crazy labor and delivery process I was so swollen and sore that I couldn’t lift my legs to get into bed at night, so I slept on our reclining coach with our newborn in this swivel bassinet right next to me. This made things so much easier for me to be able to pick her up and feed her all throughout the night.
Even once we were able to graduate off of the couch, this bassinet was a lifesaver with the vibration setting, nightlight and swivel feature. I definitely recommend this bassinet, and think it is completely worth the cost. In those first few weeks, anything that makes your life easier is worth chopping off your left arm in my opinion. Add this to your Amazon registry here!
In the first few days at home, as I waited for my milk to come in, a few desperate nights we chose to give Haley a little formula to help fill her tummy and quiet her hungry cries. My mom had done some research of the best bottles for breastfeeding mothers, and found that the Comotomo bottles had the best ratings! We loved these bottles because of the soft silicone body, and the wide but soft and lifelike nipple that Haley took to right away. We eventually switched to the Dr. Brown’s Anti-Colic Bottles because of all of the tummy troubles she was having, but I still recommend the Comotomo bottles to any one who is a breastfeeding mom especially! Add this to your Amazon registry here!
Right along with the Halo Bassinet, the DockATot Deluxe+ is another investment item that I would buy again and again. Like I mentioned before, my baby girl had undiagnosed reflux for quite sometime and we had a really tough go of it for the first month and a half. I discovered quickly that the DockATot fit perfectly into the Halo Bassinet and allowed me to very slightly lean her up against the side to try and alleviate the discomfort she was having. *The DockATot is not labeled as unsafe for sleeping here in the US. I do not suggest that it be used against the instruction of the DockATot company. This is only an account of our experience with the product.*
The cushioned sides give baby a cozy feeling and a safe place to lay while nearby on a couch or other safe surface. The bumpers around the sides keep baby in place as well, which allows you to take baby wherever you go throughout the house and keep them contained. The handles make for easy transporting as well! Add this to your Amazon registry here!
We received this adorable little creature as a gift from one of my sisters, with a note that it was huge help with her son when he was young. I was excited about having one of these for Haley since I had one when I was young, and it’s such a classic toy. When she was young and we hand’t figured out what was causing her sleeping and tummy issues, the Glo Worm was a huge help with little Haley, helping to soothe and calm her when laying her down to sleep. This along with a good swaddle, rocking the Halo bassinet a bit, and a pacifier, all helped to get this night owl to sleep! Add this to your Amazon registry here!
- Diaper Genie Pail w/ Odor Control Because diapers are stinky and plentiful.
- Angelcare Baby Bath Support Makes bath time easier with less cleanup.
- Snugapuppy Dreams Cradle ‘n Swing To help rock your babes you can feed yourself.
- Cotton Footed 2-Way Zip Sleep & Play Because who has time for a hundred snaps in the middle of the night?
Aside from these WubbaNubs being stinking adorable, they are a brilliant invention for little ones. The stuffed animal attached to the pacifier helps to anchor the pacifier on the stomach of a baby, keeping it place… in theory. The big bonus for me has been that when riding in the car I can reach behind me to the carseat when Haley is fussing, and easily find the pacifier without being able to see, and replace it in her mouth to help quiet her on-the-go. The WubbaNub Pacifiers use the very popular Philips Avent pacifiers. Haley likes this style just fine, but for naps or normal at home use, she has grown to love the MAM Pacifiers. Add this adorable WubbaNub to your Amazon registry here!
If your baby is anything like mine, they love music and lights. My mom purchased a Baby Einstein activity mat which includes this star in the center – it was a huge hit! When I saw how much it held Haley’s attention I had to search for the individual star on Amazon, and of course they delivered! This version can be attached to a carseat handle, other play gym, held by hand or propped up for tummy time. This lights up to the tempo of the music it plays, and features some great classical tunes to excite your kiddo.
This little gadget helped grab my little one’s attention during a photoshoot, helping to bring her eye where we wanted for each shot. (Along with some silly faces of course) This is a great product for $9.99! Add this to your Amazon registry here!
There are about a thousand different types of swaddles on the market. The old school muslin blanket style swaddles are great and all, but when it comes to quickly and mindlessly getting your baby wrapped up nice and snug, the new age swaddles are the way to go. We found that the SwaddleMe swaddles kept Haley feeling nice and secure, and helped her to feel cozy for sleeping. These SwaddleMe swaddles were such a godsend for us that we ordered another 3 pack very early on. Every baby is different, and you never know what kind of swaddle your baby will like, but give these a try! We loved them! Add this to your Amazon registry here!
This seems to be the hot product of the year! Myself and two other new moms that I know received this baby dome for their little one. It conveniently folds in half for easy travel and storage, and acts as a safe place to lay your baby down on the go! It comes in a bunch of styles and colors which makes it a lot of fun to pick out, but it is also super practical. Not only can your little one take a nap in this cute cocoon, but it provides UV protection for trips to the beach, park or any outdoor adventure you may find yourself on.
This has loops to hang toys for playtime, and comes with a set of two to get you started. This worked great for us as a napping spot when we visited our families lake house this summer. Pro tip: a Boppy Lounger fits perfectly inside for a little cushion for smaller or reflux babies. Add this to your Amazon registry here!
- Love To Dream Swaddle UP For those babies who love their hands near their face!
- Mylicon Gas Relief Drops Because a gassy baby is NOT a happy baby.
- Portable Sound Machine To soothe your little one on-the-go.
- OxiClean Baby Stain Fighter Because blowouts happen people!
The Always Discreet Boutique Incontinence & Postpartum Underwear are another item I saw again and again on the must-have lists of experienced moms. Some people love the mesh undies that you receive at the hospital, but I agree with those who felt more secure and comfortable in these absorbent underwear. I brought a few to the hospital, and kept the rest of the pack in our bathroom for my recovery time at home. Nothing about this category is glamorous, but it’s real life! Line these with some Tucks Pads, and a spray of Dermoplast for a postpartum recovery staple. Add this to your Amazon registry here!
Going from having a giant belly at the end of your pregnancy, to a somewhat deflated belly after birth, is a strange feeling. Your body has been through so much during pregnancy and the birthing process, and most of the strain was put on your midsection. The compression leggings helped me feel a little bit more supported in my belly and back while I traveled through the postpartum period. Heck, as a mom in general, these leggings make me feel extra confident with a little extra support and smoothing in all of the right places. These leggings have a subtle design that helps shape and accentuate the right areas, and come in a ton of colors. Add this to your Amazon registry here!
I spent way too much time researching items for my hospital bag. I am definitely glad that I had one of these in my bag, and that I ordered them a size up for something comfortable and easy in my postpartum recovery in the hospital. The stretch material gives you extra room where you need it, but it loose enough below the bust that it isn’t tight on your midsection. The tank portion of these nightgowns is nursing friendly and has removable cup inserts for extra support.
Secondly, black is best for your postpartum recovery period. I also used these a ton once we got back home, and even to this day while I’m still breastfeeding! Add this to your Amazon registry here!
I don’t know about every other woman on the planet, but I was super swollen towards the end of my pregnancy. I was able to use these compression socks to help with the swelling in my feet and ankles while pregnant, but little did I know that I would get the most use out of them postpartum. I will spare you all of the details, but my labor story was not out of a fairytale. I was induced over the course of four days, and had so many IV fluids pumped into me that I looked like the Nutty Professor when I went home.
The swelling was so bad that it hurt to walk, and I needed all the help I could get to help the extra fluid work its way through my system and these tall compression socks helped a ton. If this happens to you, ask around if anyone has a leg pump system. My mom has one and it also was a huge help in getting me feeling better, and moving a little easier. Add these to your Amazon registry here!
- Dermoplast A postpartum staple!
- Tucks Cool Hemorrhoid Pads Because you’re going to want these.
- 3-In-1 Sitz Bath Set Just because.
- Preparation H I told you labor is not glamorous.
The Elvie Wearable Breast Pumps were by far my biggest investment in preparing for baby. I knew that I wanted to breastfeed if I could, and that I really wanted to convenience and freedom of having a wireless pump. When I learned about the Elvie pumps, I searched far and wide for a medical device provider that carried them so I could use a credit from my insurance company towards the total price. I paid the remainder of the balance myself, and it was worth every penny. I haven’t had the easiest time with milk supply, and this has helped me to pump while still taking care of my child. It has also given me the freedom to allow my husband to feed Haley a bottle each day, giving me a break and giving them time to bond – plus getting her accustomed to bottle feeding! Highly recommend! Add this to your Amazon registry here!
These particular nursing tank tops were just about all I lived in for the first few weeks after Haley was born. They are made of a thick enough material that you don’t feel like everything is showing, and now too thick that you feel stiff or overheated. The midsection is flown and perfect for postpartum moms. These tank tops come in a ton of colors, and at $36 for a set of 3, you really can’t beat the price! Add this to your Amazon registry here!
This is one of the main items I saw mentioned again and again in YouTube videos and blogs about newborn and mommy must-haves. This manual pump is a great companion to your electric pump for a lot of reasons. Its easy and portable and small for on the go if needed, the manual suction that happens from this little guy is surprisingly strong! The actual reason I swear by this item though is because it just about saved me and my breastfeeding journey in the beginning. When I was experiencing some sort of clogged duct or milk blister issue, I’m not totally sure what it was, I used this to help gently release the stubborn clog. I used a heating pad on the breast to loosen things up and encourage milk flow, then put on the Haakaa pump and let it do it’s thing! This is a must-have for any breastfeeding mama for sure! Add this to your Amazon registry here!
These disposable breast pads are a super boring must-have, but a must-have nonetheless. I also purchased the more eco-friendly washable breast pads, but was not happy with how they looked through my bra and shirt, and that they didn’t hold the moisture as well as the disposable kind. They are great for around the house and for a backup, but these disposable pads are more practical for the craziness of mom life. I have these puppies everywhere – in the nursery, in our diaper bag, in my purse, in the car, etc. They have a nice thin profile and do a great job absorbing milk leakage that inevitably happens. I know it’s not glamorous, but you need these! Add these to your Amazon registry here!
- Milk Drunk Protein Powder Every little bit helps to boost milk supply!
- Bedside Mini Fridge To prevent you from walking to the fridge to deposit any pumped milk in the middle of the night.
- Philips Avent Bottle Warmer For those periodic bottle feedings!
- Striped Nursing Sweatshirt Because nursing requires some unique clothing staples!
Being a mom is not easy – I learned that fast! Make things a little easier by arming yourself with some gadgets and other must-have baby items that are tried and true. Bonus? You can get all of these items from our beloved Amazon. I hope that my suggestions are helpful for you. I read a ton of blogs and watch lots of YouTube videos to help me decide what to put on our baby registry, what to order for my hospital bag, and for postpartum recovery at home. The insights of these veteran mamas really made me feel better prepared to embark on this amazing journey as a new mom.
Want to see more of my life as a new mom, and my suggestions for great stuff? Follow me on social media! Let me know how you found me, and share your must-have items in the comments below! Good luck moms and future-moms. They say it takes a village… and I hope I helped support you in someway with this article.