Okay, so my workout plan is nowhere near as fun as Kanye’s, but I am trying to have one all the same. I’ve been going to the gym on and off for a couple of years now but I have always had a hard time being consistent with my regiment. [I know this is a little off topic from what I usually present to you all but it’s what’s on my mind] I worked at Planet Fitness for a year after I graduated college and I learned a ton in the process! I got to spend all day with awesome people like Bob The Body Builder who would have chats with me about the best way to utilize a cardio workout, tips for effective weight training and nutrition. I started bringing Quinoa to work for dinner instead of a frozen meal or leftover pasta, and started actually drinking WATER! Now that may not seem shocking to you all but I NEVER drank water until then, not plain water at least, always some sort of “water” drink, so this was big. I found that having a sense of purpose for my gym visits was key, and luckily, since I didn’t work until 3, I was able to be there at 1 o’clock to watch Days Of Our Lives and keep me going on the Arc Trainer for a good hour. Perfect right?!
Well needless to say I eventually left good ol’ PF and got a job as a Receptionist to get my foot in the door at a local Trucking & Construction company. Being plastered to a desk with a headset on, sitting down, with people constantly offering a sugary treat pretty much shot all of my hard work out the window. Those sugary treats are my biggest issue with staying on track. I love ice cream, chocolate, coconut ANYTHING, iced coffee… the list goes on and on!
This is where my good friend Pinterest comes in again. It’s so easy to fall off of the bandwagon when you are forcing yourself to eat the same healthy type foods everyday, depriving yourself of the delicious things you love, and working your butt off at the gym. BUT with a constant stream of new ideas for healthy cooking, and desserts that trick your tastes buds into being satisfied without the damage, along with fitness routines, motivational phrases and even fashion for the gym, it feels like you have a life again! [At least it does for me!] Keep in mind that work out plans for women are going to be different in some ways than workout plans for men. So don’t feel intimidated by some of the intense bodybuilding moves, or ask a trainer for a custom workout plan!
There is an entire Fitness category for you to get lost in, users like Skinny Taste that you can follow for guilt-free deliciousness, and a million other ways to keep things interesting! One of the greatest things about Pinterest is that you can organize all the great stuff you find! I have a whole bunch of different boards on my account so that I can keep my home decor ideas together, my recipes together, crafty stuff together, and my fitness inspiration together.
There are so many ways to get caught up in the hype of getting healthy and losing weight and lose your steam, but there are just as many ways [if not more] that you can recharge your intentions and keep yourself going. It’s like simple carbs vs complex carbs; you want to stay fuller and feeling better longer right? No more crashing from short-lived highs… find what works for you to make whatever changes that are important to you, just a part of your everyday life!