How To Create a Mini DIY Gallery Wall on a Budget
When I went to Europe back in May of 2012 I had the most amazing time visiting some amazing art galleries. Being an art major I spent years studying art history and fell in love with the masters like Van Gogh, Monet, Degas, and one of my favorites Jan van Eyck. I made sure to stop at the gift shops at Musee d’Orsay, and the London National Gallery to pick up some post card books of my favorite paintings that I saw while I was there. Since I got back I have been planning on putting together a gallery wall of a group of my favorite of postcards from that collection. When I bought my first home in August I did some brainstorming as to how I could create a mini diy gallery wall on a budget. I have seen a ton of posts on Pinterest about do-it-yourself projects made with items from the dollar store, so I made a trip to the local dollar store to see what I could find. I found some perfect little 3×5 black frames that are just right for the size of the postcards, and they were only a dollar!!!

First I went through all of the books of postcards and picked out my favorite 10 pieces. Then I removed the glass front from one of the frames and used it as a template to trace out which part of the image I wanted to use. After tracing and trimming each card down, I put them in their frames and had to figure out how to display them on our entryway wall. This ended up being more difficult than I expected because we have wood paneling in our entryway and in order to hang them I had to use the seams between the panels. The panels are all different sizes and there are 10 frames, but after a few tries I came up with a good layout. It’s important to plan out the design of a gallery wall ahead of time to avoid having to hang it twice.